EPCO-40-300-12.7P-ST-E (1472625) electric cylinder

Číslo výrobku:


size 40
Stroke [mm] 300
Stroke re­serve [mm] 0
Pis­ton rod thread M10x1,25
Re­ver­sing play [µm] 100
Step angle at full step [deg] 1,8
Step angle to­le­rance ±5 %
Spindle di­a­me­ter [mm] 12,7
Spindle pitch [mm/U] 12,7
Max. twist angle of the pis­ton rod ± [deg] 1,0
in­stallation po­si­tion ar­bit­rary
Pis­ton rod end Male thread
Motor type Step motor
Con­struction set up Electro-​cylinder,
With Ball screw drive
Spindle type Ball screw drive
Anti-​twist lock / guide Slide gu­i­ded
Rotor po­si­tion tran­sdu­cer In­cre­men­tal en­co­der
Rotor po­si­tion tran­sdu­cer in­ter­face RS422 TTL AB chan­nel + null index
Rotor po­si­tion tran­sdu­cer me­a­su­re­ment prin­ci­ple Vi­sual
Max. ac­ce­le­ration [m/s²] 10
Max. speed [m/s] 0,460
Re­pe­a­ta­bi­lity ±0.02 mm
Power-​on time 100 %
In­su­lation pro­tection class B
No­mi­nal ope­ra­ting vol­tage DC [V] 24
No­mi­nal current motor [A] 4,2
Per­mis­sion RCM mark,
c UL us - Re­co­gni­zed (OL)
CE cer­ti­fi­cate (see dec­la­ration of con­for­mity) to EU EMC di­rective
Corro­sion re­sistant class KBK 1 - low corro­sion stress
Bea­ring tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] -20 to 60
Re­la­tive hu­mi­dity 0 - 85 %,
Not con­densing
Pro­tection ca­te­gory IP40
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] 0 to 50
Im­pact energy at the end po­si­ti­ons [J] 0,0004
Max. torque Mx [Nm] 0
Max. torque My [Nm] 3,3
Max. torque Mz [Nm] 3,3
Max. feed force Fx [N] 250
Gu­i­de­line pa­y­load, ho­ri­zon­tal [KGM] 40
Gu­i­de­line pa­y­load, ver­ti­cal [KGM] 20
Mass iner­tia JH per metre stroke [kg/cm²] 0,1670
Mass iner­tia JL per kg usa­ble load [kg/cm²] 0,0409
Mass iner­tia JO [kg/cm²] 0,3375
Mo­ving mass at 0 mm stroke [g] 415
Wei­ght sup­ple­ment per 10 mm stroke [g] 55
Base wei­ght at 0 mm stroke [g] 2.585
Sup­ple­ment moved mass per 10 mm stroke [g] 4,9
Elect­ri­cal con­nection tech­no­logy Plug
Fas­te­ning type With fe­male thread,
With Ac­ces­so­ries
Ma­te­rial in­for­mation LABS con­ta­i­ning ma­te­ri­als inclu­ded,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Cover ma­te­rial Alu­mi­nium wrou­ght alloy,
Smo­oth ano­di­sed
Housing ma­te­rial Alu­mi­nium wrou­ght alloy,
Smo­oth ano­di­sed
Pis­ton rod ma­te­rial High-​alloyed sta­in­less ste­els
Spindle nut ma­te­rial Steel
Spindle ma­te­rial Roller bea­ring steel
Cylin­der tube ma­te­rial Alu­mi­nium wrou­ght alloy,
Smo­oth ano­di­sed
Další informace k OT-FESTO034713
hmotnost 4,3 kg / ks
Celní číslo zboží 84798997
výrobce Festo

Všechny údaje se rozumějí jako nezávazné směrné hodnoty! Za výběr údajů nepotvrzených písemně nepřebíráme žádnou záruku. Údaje o tlaku se vztahují, pokud není uvedeno jinak, ke kapalinám skupiny II při +20°C.
opět k dispozici v ⌀ 1 dnů
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